
                                                                  The journey

2- represents the two life changing moves I’ve made at age 21. I know that some people may not find this big… but leaving home and starting a new business venture has been my highlights of this year. I’ve experienced a lot of growth whilst on this journey. I’ve encountered a lot of potholes in my narrow ass road… I’ve hit plenty poles and I’ve fallen into a couple ditches.

Leaving home has helped me to accomplish and experience more in life. Believe it or not, the structure of my home really held me back. I think that a lot of Caribbean households prohibit their children’s growth because of a traditional way of living that probably would have worked in the 19th century… not the 21st. Most parents are not open to change and innovation which in turn creates a nation of people that lacks creativity and critical thinking… 

                                     * cough cough* Grenada   tea smh GIF

As I got older and wiser I pondered about who I REALLY wanted to become and what I REALLY wanted to achieve in life. No longer did I want to become a lawyer to work for the biggest fraud that is our justice system.

I wanted to be free
I wanted to be flexible
I wanted to live a comfortable life
Take care of my sisters and my mom
And to not have to go back to work three months after making my baby… yes this always plays on my mind...

Long story short I wanted to own my business… be my boss and do my own thing and what better time to start than when you’re young.

1-      One represents the one constant in my life…LOVE. I’ve reached my lowest point in the name of love, and I still have not given up on its concept. I’m not a heartless romantic (okay.. maybe I’m lying) but I’m a firm believer in love conquers all… not only relationship wise. I love because I see the value in it and I change lives because of it. Despite the many blows I’ve received to my heart, the blood hasn’t stopped pumping and my aorta is intact. I vowed to love always and I think that my openness led to me being in an unimaginable relationship…full of what I always wanted. LOVE.

Thank you 21… You taught me.
